The third film "Transformers: Dark of the Moon," in the robot franchise, hits theaters on June 29. And while the focus will continue to be on shape-shifting CGI stars like Optimus Prime, Shockwave, and Bumblebee, one of the film's most impressive stunts was achieved by real, honest-to-goodness human beings. Yes, really!
A buzzy promo for the movie features a behind-the-scenes look at a group of precision skydivers who wear "wingsuits" while soaring through the air at around 150 miles per hour. The wingsuits, which look a lot like something Batman might use, allow brave souls to maneuver around tall objects, like, oh, say, the Sears Tower. Indeed, one of the most impressive stunts in the movie is exactly that. Move over, special effects artists.Michael Bay first saw the jumping team on "60 Minutes." The action director decided then and there to put them in "Transformers 3." In the video, which you can watch below, the team jumps off skyscrapers and out of helicopters, twisting and turning through downtown Chicago with amazing precision. These jumps have been done before, but never in a city, where tall buildings present logistical -- not to mention life-and-death -- challenges.This film will be very hit in the would.
According to an article from The Hollywood Reporter, star Shia LaBeouf was caught be surprise when the stunts were filmed. He "was eating breakfast... at the Trump building when he saw four men fall by his window."
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